Hier finden Sie Antworten auf die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen zu EasyInstall.
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1. In EasyInstall it seems as if some machines are online, although they are not, why?
EasyInstall does name resolution for all computers, so that EasyInstall knows your computer’s TCP/IP addresses.
Name resolution is performed via DNS. By default Microsoft DNS server does not delete records that are no longer in use.
Therefor the DNS server can include computer records pointing to an incorrect TCP/IP address.
To solve the problem, set all DNS servers to delete inactive records, for example after 3 dayes, do the following:
(This requires that servers with static tcp/ip addresses, are added manually to DNS, so that there TTL (Time To Live) don’t expires.)
Right click on the DNS server name (Windows Server 2003).
2. Can FirstLogon and EveryLogon scripts be used to add the computer to EasyInstall groups automatically?
It may well be done, requiring only that the FirstLogon or EveryLogon sets PACKAGENO environment variable to the package number, as showing the the example:
3. EasyInstall can not install the agent, the TCP/IP address is correct, however the computer has status unknow.
This suggests that Windows firewall is enable, the firewall must be disable or you must open for all traffic to and from the EasyInstall server.
4. Does EasyInstall requires WINS?
EasyInstall version 4.x does not require WINS, but StartSys DOS floppy disk can only resolve computer names via WINS or LMHOSTS file. If you do not use WINS and StartSys for DOS is used, it is recommended the LMHOSTS file on the floppy is updated with the EasyInstall server and all the software servers, for example like this: EASYINSTALL SOFTWARESRV1 SOFTWARESRV2
Tip: If using WINS, it could be an advantage, not to configure the EasyInstall server with WINS server adresses. It will mean that EasyInstall only use DNS for name resolution.
Update: StartSys for DOS is no longer supported.
6. How to take backup of the database?
You should take full backup of alle EasyInstall files. However, the database and event log files could be excluded, since these are locked during normal operation.
x:IXPDATAIXP.DB (Database)
x:IXPDATAIXP.DB.LOG (Transactions log)
x:IXPDATAIXP.EVT (Event log)
EasyInstall perform its automated database dumps (7-day rotation), every night at 01.00 (configurable),
these dump files are placed in x:IXPBACKUP directory:
The database can be restored completely from a database dump file.
7. Moving EasyInstall from Server A to Server B
1. Copy all content from Server A’s IXP directory to Server B (some files in the DATA directory will be locked – it’s okay).
2. Installs the latest Microsoft WAIK, should be available in the IXPSETUPWAIK directory – otherwise it must be downloaded from Microsoft
a. http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/E/9/8E9BBC64-E6F8-457C-9B8D-F6C9A16E6D6A/KB3AIK_EN.iso
3. Find the latest IXES-day.reg (backup of all configuration settings) in the BACKUP directory, and import it on Server B.
4. Install EasyInstall engine on Server B from the BIN directory as follows: IXPES64.EXE-install
5. Now EasyInstall is installed and started – but with an empty database ….
6. Find the latest IXPDB.reg (backup of the database) in the BACKUP directory, and import it on Server B.
7. Restart the server.
8. Now you just have to move clients relationship from Server A, this can be done in 2 ways.
a. Send an empty dummy package to all clients, for example. an empty TMP package.
b. Use the supplied GPO template (IXP.ADM) in the BIN directory of GPO for all clients, configure the following:
i. EasyInstall Main Server Name
ii. EasyInstall Main server TCP / IP Address
iii. Specify EasyInstall TCP / IP port (typically 20050)
9. Download the latest EasyInstall version from our website and update the solution.
a. https://www.ixpdata.de/support/downloads
10. Server A can now switch off and disbanded.
8. How to repair a MSI product instead reinstall the hole product?
To do a repair instead of a reinstallation, modify install.bat and uninstal.bat like this:
IF [%ACTION%] == [I] install the product
IF [%ACTION%] == [RI] repair the product
IF [%ACTION%] == [U] uninstall the product
IF [%ACTION%] == [RU] “do nothing”
9. How to install a product from another non EasyInstall server?
To perform an installation from another non EasyInstall server requires that the package creates an approved connection to that server – this because EasyInstall Agent runs as LocalSystem.
net use %driveletter% \servershare /u:%ixp_domain%%ixp_user% %ixp_password%
install the product from: %driverletter%path
net use %driveletter% /delete
net use %driveletter% \servershare /u:%ixp_domain%%ixp_user% %ixp_password%
uninstall the product from: %driverletter%path
net use %driveletter% /delete
The connection can of course also performed without drive letter, simply by removing the %driveletter%
10. PXE does not work after install on a WDS server?
This may be due to necessary commands were not executed properly during installation.
Hence it is necessary to perform these manually on WDS/PXE server, as follows:
wdsutil.exe /set-server /N12bootprogram:bootx86pxelinux.com /architecture:x86
wdsutil.exe /set-server /N12bootprogram:bootx64pxelinux.com /architecture:x64
wdsutil.exe /set-server /bootprogram:bootx86pxelinux.com /architecture:x86
wdsutil.exe /set-server /bootprogram:bootx64pxelinux.com /architecture:x64
11. Moving EasyInstall from one drive to another on same server
Considerations: This guide describes how to move EasyInstall files. NOT additional installations as WDS/PXE, that often is installed on same location.
Stop the EasyInstall Engine service (IXP Engine). It is not necessary to stop the Agent Service.
In registry-db, unload hive HKLM\IXP-DB and (if present) HKLM\IXP-STORE (Mark IXP-DB, File, Unload Hive)
Copy all EasyInstall files from the old IXP share to the new disk. Keep directory structure. Recommended foldername is [Driveletter]\IXP
While waiting for the data to be copied, open the registry editor.
Edit drive letter and path in the following keys:
(Check key content in the following for IXP-DATA/EasyInstall content – last key-folder might carry a different name)
Inno Setup: App Path
QuietUninstallString (Be aware not to erase the “)
UninstallString (Be aware not to erase the “)
Edit drive letter and path in Windows Firewall inbound rules – EasyInstall Local Engine Service, “Programs and Services”
Start the EasyInstall Engine Service again, and check everything works.
Erase the old IXP folder/share
Remember to update old home-created shortcuts to the EasyInstall Administrator console or other shortcuts/shares.